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Version: v2

Update Checkout


The OpenAPI specification for this checkout operation can be found here.


You can only update a checkout that has not yet expired and is in PENDING_ORDER or CANCELLED_BY_CONSUMER status.

If the checkout has expired you will receive a HTTP 403 status back and would need to create a new checkout.

If the checkout has not yet expired, the consumer will have up to 1 hour to action payment from the time of the last update.

Here is an example of a successful PayJustNow checkout update request and response:

POST /v2/update HTTP/1.1X-Signature: dFwlIBJoIx9+jPImYNVzyGav9aWJ5ht7qCbKg4g68YE=X-Merchant-Account-ID: 1Content-Type: application/jsonUser-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.31.1Accept: */*Postman-Token: 6b5954b3-3239-46e9-80df-904b37145ab8Host: sandbox-checkout.payjustnow.ioAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, brConnection: keep-aliveContent-Length: 1480 {  "checkoutToken": "v2.1.d42b778d-dc24-478c-b603-5978be519dba",  "payjustnow": {    "merchantOrderReference": "test4",    "orderAmountCents": 200000,    "orderItems": [      {        "name": "UGG Boots Purple Size 6",        "sku": "UGG-BB-PUR-06",        "quantity": 2,        "priceCents": 100000,        "imageUrl": "",        "pageUrl": "",        "searchTerms": [          "ugg",          "boots",          "purple"        ],        "category": "Fashion Apparel"      }    ],    "customer": {      "firstName": "Matthew",      "lastName": "Monson",      "email": "[email protected]",      "phoneNumber": "0786542314"    },    "billingAddress": {      "addressLine1": "123 Billing Street Line 1",      "addressLine2": "Billing Street Line 2",      "city": "Cape Town",      "province": "Western Cape",      "postalCode": "8001"    },    "shippingAddress": {      "addressLine1": "123 Shipping Street Line 1",      "addressLine2": "Shipping Street Line 2",      "city": "Cape Town",      "province": "Western Cape",      "postalCode": "8001"    },    "confirmRedirectUrl": "",    "cancelRedirectUrl": "",    "expiresAt": "2023-03-20T08:43:28Z"  },  "checkoutTotalCents": 200000,  "clickTraceId": "S09PRE9PRkVCMjAyM0tPT0RPT0ZFQjIwMjN1bmRlZmluZWQ="} HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Mon, 20 Mar 2023 07:58:13 GMTContent-Type: application/jsonContent-Length: 1407Connection: keep-alivex-amzn-RequestId: fa29ff5c-f0b3-49ee-ae29-a71850f73f78x-amz-apigw-id: CEfC5FAJjoEF57w=X-Amzn-Trace-Id: Root=1-64181212-054ec62f374e0ace6fdedbd5 {    "requestId": "idempkey4",    "checkoutToken": "v2.1.d42b778d-dc24-478c-b603-5978be519dba",    "checkoutTotalCents": 200000,    "paymentUrl": "",    "checkoutPaymentStatus": "PENDING_ORDER",    "merchantOrderReference": "test4",    "createdAt": "2023-03-20T07:38:31.475Z",    "updatedAt": "2023-03-20T07:58:11.829Z",    "expiresAt": "2023-03-20T08:43:28Z",    "payjustnow": {        "merchantOrderReference": "test4",        "orderAmountCents": 200000,        "checkoutPaymentStatus": "PENDING_ORDER",        "shippingAddress": {            "addressLine1": "123 Shipping Street Line 1",            "addressLine2": "Shipping Street Line 2",            "province": "Western Cape",            "city": "Cape Town",            "postalCode": "8001"        },        "confirmRedirectUrl": "",        "cancelRedirectUrl": "",        "billingAddress": {            "addressLine1": "123 Billing Street Line 1",            "addressLine2": "Billing Street Line 2",            "province": "Western Cape",            "city": "Cape Town",            "postalCode": "8001"        },        "orderItems": [            {                "quantity": 2,                "searchTerms": [                    "ugg",                    "boots",                    "purple"                ],                "imageUrl": "",                "name": "UGG Boots Purple Size 6",                "priceCents": 100000,                "pageUrl": "",                "sku": "UGG-BB-PUR-06",                "category": "Fashion Apparel"            }        ],        "expiresAt": "2023-03-20T08:43:28Z",        "customer": {            "firstName": "Matthew",            "lastName": "Monson",            "phoneNumber": "0786542314",            "email": "[email protected]"        }    },    "merchantAccountId": "1"}